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Music and Motherhood UCL

Featured Research Project

Music and Motherhood

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Hospital Rooms High R Es

Research Projects

Explore current and previous initiatives from the Lab and its affiliates furthering the evidence of the impact of the arts on health

Showing ‘All Projects’

In Progress
Lancet global series thumb

Research Project

Jameel Arts & Health Lab - Lancet Global Series on the Health Benefits of the Arts

A landmark series focused on non-communicable diseases. Convened by the Lab, the series connects over 50 researchers and artists to present evidence on the value of the arts in clinical and public health.

Lead Researchers

Nisha Sajnani, Nils Fietje



Lead institutions

NYU Steinhardt, WHO Europe


Global series

In Progress
Murals in Hospitals

Research Project

Hospital Murals Evaluation (HoME)

The largest study of its kind, aiming to better understand the impact of murals in hospitals on patients, staff, and visitors, and to study murals across different cultural contexts in Nigeria, Slovenia, the UK, and the US.

Lead researchers

Marcel Foster, Nisha Sajnani



Lead institutions

New York University



Music and Motherhood UCL

Research Project

Music and Motherhood

A project exploring cultural considerations for arts and health interventions. In particular, using group singing for postpartum depression, which has been successful in the UK, in new contexts in Denmark, Italy, and Romania.

Lead Researchers

Katey Warran, Calum Smith



Lead institutions

UCL, WHO Europe


Implementation study

2019 WHO Report

Research Project

2019 WHO Report

This foundational publication synthesizes results from over 3000 studies, identifying a major role for the arts in the prevention of ill health, promotion of health, and management and treatment of illness across the lifespan.

Lead researchers

Daisy Fancourt, Saoirse Finn



Lead institutions

UCL, WHO Europe


Scoping review

In Progress
Pexels cottonbro studio 6895808 scaled

Research Project

Theatre to Reduce Discrimination in Healthcare

A project using dramatic arts and allied health sciences to develop and implement participatory theatre interventions that tackle health discrimination and inspire behavioural change among care workers in the US and Canada.

Lead Researchers

Valerie Michaelson, Multiple


In progress


Brock University, NYU Steinhardt


Pilot study

In Progress
Kid Stills 2 1 2

Research Project


The Arts4Us project seeks to give children and young people mental health support by creating an accessible digital platform that houses evidence-based, local arts activities.

Lead Researchers

Prof Vicky Karkou



Lead institutions

Edge Hill University


Realist evaluation

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