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Music and Motherhood UCL

Featured Research Project

Music and Motherhood

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Jacobi photo by N Knight 7067

Affiliate Researchers

Meet the Lab’s global community of researchers advancing evidence on the value of the arts in health

Daisy library high res cropped

Daisy Fancourt, PhD

Head of the Social Biobehavioural Research Group

University College London

Thumbnail Vicky Karkou small Vassiliki Karkou

Vicky Karkou, PhD

Director of the Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing

Edge Hill University

Jill Sonke avatar

Jill Sonke, PhD

Director of Research Initiatives

University of Florida

Headshot Agustin Ibanez

Agustin Ibáñez, PhD

Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Rainbow HO 3 Rainbow Ho

Rainbow Ho, PhD

Director of the Centre on Behavioral Health

University of Hong Kong

Matthew color Ma P 2

Matthew Pelowski, PhD

Head of the ARTIS Lab

University of Vienna


Katey Warran, PhD

Head of the PATHS Research Group

University of Edinburgh

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Oliver Beauchet, PhD

Director of the AgeTeQ laboratory at the IUGM Research Center

Université de Montréal