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JAHL Global Launch

The Lab’s global launch was held at the National Arts Club in New York, inaugurating its goal to coordinate and amplify scientific research, and drive policy into the effectiveness of the arts in improving health and wellbeing.


27 February 2023


The National Arts Club, New York, United States

Founding Partners


UN Affiliate

The global public launch of the Jameel Arts & Health Lab was at the National Arts Club in New York, a historical gathering place for creativity and the arts. The venue is testament to the Lab’s commitment to artists and arts communities, and was attended by 150 press, cultural leaders, philanthropists, and guests and members of the four JAHL founding partners; the WHO European Region; NYU Steinhardt; Community Jameel; and Culturunners. Opening remarks were by Jack H. Knott (Dean, NYU Steinhardt) and George Richards (Director, Community Jameel). The Lab’s Founding Co-Directors Dr Nisha Sajnani, Christopher Bailey, and Stephen Stapleton all made in-person remarks, with Founding Co-Director Dr Nils Fietje contributing via a pre-recorded video. A musical performance by NYU students accompanied an informal reception following the launch. Jack H. Knott said, “We continue to discover how the arts contribute to learning and healing, but we have not yet leveraged the full potential of this research. The Jameel Arts & Health Lab will lead efforts to transcend the disciplinary silos that often prevent researchers, arts practitioners, and policy-makers from working together to advance understanding and impact.”

Fady Jameel (Vice Chairman, Community Jameel) said, “The pivotal role of the arts in health and care continues to be highlighted through an ever-expanding body of research. With the establishment of the Jameel Arts & Health Lab, we hope to leverage this research in order to advance the integration of the arts into mainstream care and improve the health and wellbeing of millions of people across the world.”


Photos from the Launch Event

  • Chris Bailey Nisha Saj Jack Knott JAHL Launch
  • Comjaml Cltrns Nyu JAHL Launch
  • Fady Jack JAHL Launch
  • George JAHL Launch
  • Chris Nils JAHL Launch
  • Stephen JAHL Launch
  • Stephen JAHL Launch2
  • Riley AN09 01
  • DSC 8882
  • DSC 8854

Lab Co-Directors Christopher Bailey and Dr. Nisha Sajnani with Jack H. Knott, Dean of NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

Community Jameel, NYU, WHO and CULTURUNNERS core team

From left to right:
Cléa Daridan (Cultural Lead, Community Jameel), Stephen Stapleton (Lab Co-Director and Culturunners Director), Christopher Bailey (Lab Co-Director, WHO Arts & Health Lead), Jack H. Knott (Dean of NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development), Fady Jameel (Vice Chairman, Community Jameel), Dr. Nisha Sajnani (Lab Co-Director), George Richards (Director, Community Jameel)

Fady Jameel and Jack H. Knott at the JAHL Global Launch, National Arts Club, New York.

George Richards, Director Community Jameel addressing the JAHL Global Launch audience

Lab Co-Directors Christopher Bailey and Dr. Nils Fitjie

Stephen Stapleton, Lab Co-Director addressing the JAHL Global Launch audience

Stephen Stapleton, Lab Co-Director addressing the JAHL Global Launch audience

The National Arts Club, New York

Lab Co-Director Dr. Nisha Sajnani speaking with Global Launch audience members

Lab Co-Directors Stephen Stapleton, Christopher Bailey, and Dr. Nisha Sajnani with a string ensemble who performed at the JAHL Global Launch Event.


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Jack H. Knott

Gale and Ira Drukier Dean of NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.


Fady Jameel

Vice Chairman Community Jameel

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Dr. Nisha Sajnani

Lab Co-Director

Christopher Bailey

Christopher Bailey

Lab Co-Director

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Stephen Stapleton

Lab Co-Director


George Richards

Director of Community Jameel

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Cléa Daridan

Cultural Lead, Community Jameel