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Edge Hill University
Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing Manifesto
A hybrid in-person and online event at Edge Hill University launched its new Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing. The programme included performances, workshops, and presentations to mark the centre’s founding manifesto, and its recommendations for scaling up place-based arts initiatives. The launch of this Lab-affiliated centre, which has since won a record grant of £2.5 million to help advance the arts and health in youth projects (Arts4Us), showcased groundbreaking new research proving how the arts can tackle health inequalities, with the right policy to back it. The event also highlighted the centre’s research into the role of the arts in supporting helping professionals. A keynote speech was delivered by Dr Darren Henley (CEO, Arts Council England) and Professor Vicky Karkou (Director, Research Centre for Arts and Wellbeing), who said, “The work of the centre will benefit a wide range of people including individuals and communities that are disadvantaged or marginalised.”
20 June 2023 | Creative Approaches to Addressing Health Inequalities
On day 1 of the launch, Dr Nils Fietje (Founding Co-Director, JAHL) delivered a keynote speech, which was followed by a panel discussion, presentations, and a second keynote speech by Dr Darren Henley (CEO, Arts Council England).
21 June 2023 | Research Activities of the Research Centre and the Alliance
On day 2, Dr Nisha Sajnani (Founding Co-Director, JAHL) delivered a keynote speech, which was followed by discussions on the wellbeing of helping professionals and carers, panel discussions on health research, and a series of performances.
Photos from the event
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Dr Nils Fietje
Technical Officer, WHO Europe; Co-founder and Co-director, Jameel Arts & Health Lab

Dr Darren Henley
CEO of Arts Council England

Dr Nisha Sajnani
Lab Co-Director

Dr Guila Clara Kessous
UNESCO Ambassador of Arts for Peace

Professor Helen Chatterjee
Professor Human & Ecological Health at UCL and Research Programme, Director for Health Inequalities within AHRC/UKRI

Alexandra Coulter
Director of the UK National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH)

Professor Felicity Baker
Associate Dean Research, Director, International Research Partnerships at the University of Melbourne

Dr Hod Orkibi
Psychodramatist and Associate Professor at the School of Creative Arts Therapies, University of Haifa, Israel

Dr Martina de Witte
Researcher/teacher at the University of Amsterdam

Dr Minjung Shim
PhD, BC-DMT, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Director of Mind-Body & Movement Research for Whole Person Health Lab, Drexel University

Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston
Counselling Psychologist (IAPT) at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust and Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Salford

Prof Scott Thurston FEA
Chair in Poetry and Innovative Creative Practice, University of Salford

Clara Cornaro
MA, Research Center of the Creative Arts Therapies (RIArT), Alanus University, Bonn, Germany