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Music and Motherhood UCL

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Music and Motherhood

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Kunle adewale

Kunle Adewale

  • Founder/Executive Director, Global Arts in Medicine Fellowship
  • Curator/Global Development Lead

Global South Arts & Health Week


Global South Arts & Health Week

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Arts In Medicine Fellowship

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Kunle Adewale is a Multimedia Artist, Curator, Cultural Producer, Mental Health Advocate, and Arts in Health Practitioner based in Manchester, United Kingdom.

He graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, specialising in Painting and Art History. Kunle Adewale is the founder and executive of Arts in Medicine Projects and Global Arts in Medicine Fellowship. He is also the Curator and Global Development LEAD, Global South Arts & Health Week. Under Kunle’s leadership, his organization trained and graduated over 1000 students and professionals in the field of arts and medicine from 43 countries across the globe.

The impacts of his organization have benefitted over 40,000 people since it was founded, including patients, caregivers, family, and community members. His international arts interventions have been featured on Voice of America, Washington DC, France 24, Weltspiegel, Aljazeera, Reuters, BBC Africa, The Guardian UK, CBC Canada.

In 2019, Kunle was honoured by the Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, for his contribution to the field of Arts and Medicine; Mayor John Cranley declared every August 2nd as the Kunle Adewale Day in this city in the United States. Kunle is a member of the WHO Arts and Wellbeing Cohort, developing Resource on Arts Practice and the Ethics of Care.